Thursday, September 4, 2008

Service of Champions

Unfortunately, I don't have the power to put my church friends on the front of a Wheaties box, but I gotta tell you--our Family Day this past Sunday was awesome, and all the people who participated are champions, in my box--ahem, I mean, book! :) We patterned it after the recently concluded Beijing Olympics and if you weren't here you should really kick yourself in the behind, cuz you definitely missed out!

It all began with a torch runner entering to dramatic fanfare from out on Killian Road. Cheered and applauded all the way to the front of the Sanctuary, our hero lit Cornerstone's very own Olympic flame--igniting the start of an extremely fun, challenging morning!

The rest of our time together included Mahani, Cornerstone's Youth Dance Team pumping us up with "Dance in the River," our Children's Church Worship Team joining ranks with our Big Church team, a visit from Saturday Night Live's "Two Morons," and a message from Pastor Brenda reminding us that the goal is to pass a vital, relevant faith to people beyond ourselves--the same way you pass the baton in an Olympic relay race. And, how, if you fail to make the pass successfully, the race is over, because nothing else matters!

Who are you passing the baton to today? Or have you dropped it? Better question: Are you even in the race??...No matter what your answer to any of those questions is, I have good news! There are plenty of people who need a "pass" from long as they are still here, you can pick that baton up to go at it again...and it's never too late to join the race!